Community Investment
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Play Everywhere Challenge (PEC)
Funder: The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Target
Project Time Period: 2016-2018
Project Category: Health/Play/Public Spaces/Community Revitalization/City-Wide Play Efforts/Formative Evaluation/Summative Evaluation
About PEC: With funding support from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and Target, KaBOOM! administered The Play Everywhere Challenge, a national competition that granted $1 million to 50 organizations across the country to create innovative play spaces for kids and families and increase playability of their communities.
The Work: MAI conducted a formative and outcomes evaluation of The Play Everywhere Challenge to identify lessons learned that would help inform future strategies of the Challenge, and similar grant competitions, and to assess accomplishments and challenges of the Play Everywhere Challenge grantees. MAI implemented a multi-pronged data collection strategy which included intercept surveys with play space users, grantee surveys, Blue Ribbon panel surveys, document review, and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders.
What We Learned: Download "The Play Everywhere Challenge Final Report" to learn about the Challenge’s short-term outcomes and how communities experienced the play spaces through the Challenge.